We are still EXPLORING our way though the Old Testament. This week we are learning about King Manasseh, King Amon and King Josiah.
Our MAIN focus will be on King Josiah---However, I will briefly cover Manasseh and Amon.
This is our WHO? WHAT? WHEN? WHERE? WHERE? WHY? and HOW IS THIS IMPORTANT FOR US? WALL!!! This is the INFORMATION that I WANT to make sure the KIDDOS understand....if they understand each of these questions then I know they understand the lesson and it's importance!!
Our Interactive Bulletin Board is nearly BUSTING off the WALL with INFORMATION!!
The KIDDOS will be THRILLED to see that we have added the FROWNY/SMILY faces to the KINGS crowns. We are getting closer and closer to the EXILE of JUDAH.
I LOVE how this Bulletin Board has "GROWN" with us...as we learn more information we ADD to this Bulletin Board!!!
We have a NEW card for our "GOD'S AWESOME PLAN FOR MAN" WALL/TIMELINE. Notice the "LAW" is hidden among all that mess!!!
The KIDDOS have two new words for the "WORD WALL." These words are not words you normally hear in the vocabulary of a 4-6 year old. So, I want to make sure they understand these words ---so they will understand the lesson.
I want to show you how I display this---I have some sticky dots that are on the front of the frame--(the frame came from Dollar Tree)--I just stick the VISUAL to the sticky dots. I normally get several uses of the sticky dots, before they lose their sticky. (How many times can I say sticky in one sentence. LOL)
Our MEMORY VERSE this week comes from Leviticus. I feel the verse is a PERFECT verse for this LESSON. It will allow me to explain that the people of Judah had LOST the LAW and therefore, we NOT KEEPING GOD'S commandments. It will also allow me to talk to the KIDDOS about HOW IMPORTANT it is for us to KEEP GOD'S COMMANDMENTS!!
If you would like to hear the little tune we are going to be using click on the link below. It will reroute you to the Facebook page for Hands On Bible Teacher. Memory Verse Song
We have a NEW song for this lesson. I can't wait to teach this one to the KIDDOS. This song is sung to the TUNE: "Mary Had A Little Lamb."
The KIDDOS "TAKE HOME" project is a SCROLL!!! I am excited about this SCROLL. You see, it started with some miniature ROLLING PINS. I purchased them from Rhode Island Novelty http://www.rinovelty.com/?gclid=CK-OgbXIxrkCFeZxQgodvjYAZA I do NOT receive any compensation from mentioning this company....I am trying to let you know where I find items for Bible Class.
As soon as I saw these in their catalog I immediately thought SCROLLS!!!! I know most normal people would probably have thought BAKING party....NOPE, not me. :-)
I think they turned out GREAT!!! I know the KIDDOS are going to LOVE making these on SUNDAY. BTW, I just PRINTED the verse on paper and cut it out...so, during class we will glue, roll and tie!! Quick and EASY
Now, for our REVIEW GAME!!!! Our REVIEW GAME is also serving as a VISUAL for the KIDDOS. Please, let me explain! Do you see that MESS!! Sort of looks like my room is in DISARRAY!! Sort of looks NEGLECTED! :-) This was NO accident...I purposefully made this mess----(so contrary to my NEAT FREAK personality.) I am going to have the KIDDOS "FIND the LAW." We are going to talk about the MESS the Temple was in and how neglected it was---so, as the KIDDOS help me "clean" up this mess---we will find the LAW. We will celebrate and READ the scroll after we find it. :-)
After we have "CLEANED" up the "TEMPLE," I mean classroom, then I am going to have the KIDDOS answer a question from the LESSON. If they get the answer correct then they get to HIDE the scroll and the OTHER KIDDOS have to find it. Once it is found we will REPEAT the process until each of the KIDDOS has an opportunity to HIDE the SCROLL. The KIDDOS will LOVE the HIDE and SEEK aspect of this game. Anytime we place a HIDE/SEEK game they get OVER THE TOP EXCITED!!

Next week will be our REVIEW week for this LESSON. During that time the KIDDOS will get to "PLAY" the DO YOU KNOW CUBE Game. They will PULL a card from my hand and have to answer a question about the card they pulled. Then they will have to tell me which Cube it goes into....Who? What? When? Where? Where? Why? or How is this important to us? Cube.
This is the Kiddos Explorer Journal Activity for next week.
Their Explorer Journal Activity is King Josiah reading the LAW to the PEOPLE. The KIDDOS will ADD a 3D Scroll and a FOAMY/GLITTERY CROWN.
Hope you can see the 3D Scroll effect. It looks REALLY good in person.
I am excited about this LESSON. The KIDDOS have learned a LOT of LESSONS from the LIVES of the KINGS of Israel and Judah.
Thank you so much for all your hard work. I enjoy looking at your site and find so many good ideas for teaching strategies and procedures. I look forward to retiring from teaching in a couple of years and can't wait to have the time to put some of your ideas into practice. Your ideas are so in agreement with what I learned in my early childhood education classes. Your workshop video is great and hope we can have all our teachers at Anderson church of Christ watch it soon. Anyway just wanted you to know that all your hard work is appreciated.
ReplyDeleteI have enjoyed your website for several years. I teach 6 year olds at church and have for 30+ years. your way of teaching is Fabulous. What a gift. Im not real computer savvy But I'm learning. Is there a way for me to get your visual aids that you put on the walls? Ex. Who, What , Where wall , or verse cards, etc.?
ReplyDeletewhere did you buy this cards