We have had an EXPLOSION of KIDDOS recently!! This is such an exciting time for our congregation. We have a "CRADLE ROLL" class....This class has normally had about five KIDDOS...and recently blossomed to nine KIDDOS. This created a "problem" because our Cradle Roll Table only sits eight KIDDOS.
This is a wonderful "PROBLEM" to have. It did cause a bit of, "WHAT shall we do to solve this 'PROBLEM?'" moments. So, the elders decided it would be best to divide the CRADLE ROLL class and move out the Toddlers and form a NEW class for the TODDLER AGE. I am SO excited about this NEW CLASS.
Several of us volunteered to help "SET" up and DECORATE the NEW Classroom. The teachers wanted to make sure the classroom was an EXCITING PLACE for their KIDDOS. Please understand this is a WORK in PROGRESS. We began working on the room after Wednesday Evening Services....and due to the weather we have yet to really complete it....but, I think I LOOKS pretty good and the KIDDOS were SUPER excited this past SUNDAY!!!
I hope you noticed the SHELVES behind the table. (BTW, one of our elders built the table! I LOVE IT!!) Those shelves house MOST of the CURRICULUM for this class.

We are calling these:
Each of the shallow BUCKETS have a DIFFERENT BIBLE LESSON in it. I will do my best to explain our PLANS for these lessons. By the way, the buckets came from DOLLAR TREE.
When the KIDDOS first arrive the teachers will use these two buckets. The KIDDOS will "DRIVE" to Bible Class as they sing "This is the way we DRIVE to Class." --using the steering wheels. Then they will use the clocks and sing, "It's Time For Bible Class." (I collected these vehicles years ago via McDonalds Toddler Toys.)
Then they will use the Planes, Boats and Vehicles to sing, "Did You Come to Class today in a BOAT?"
(The boats came from Dollar Tree. The Airplanes came from Walmart Baby Section.)
Then the teachers will use this BUCKET and pass our the ROOSTERS. The KIDDOS will sing, "BOOSTER, BOOSTER..." (The roosters came from DOLLAR TREE--years ago. The Pot Holder Rooster came from a garage sale.)

Then the teachers will use this BUCKET. They will use the TRAINS as they sing, "Choo-Choo Train Bible Song." Then the KIDDOS will be handed a BIBLE...they will sing SEVERAL songs about the Bible. Especially "READ YOUR BIBLE and PRAY EVERY DAY." The teacher will also use this VISUAL to demonstrate the TWO TESTAMENTS and the number of BOOKS in each Testaments. (The trains came from Walmart. I have collected these Bibles from Garage Sales and Thrift Stores. We made the Bible Visual.)
If the teacher chooses to teach about CREATION or Adam and Eve they will use this bucket. Each KIDDO will get an EARTH when they are singing about CREATION. Each KIDDOS will get an ADAM and EVE when they sing about ADAM and EVE. (I have collected these EARTH BALLS from Garage Sales and Thrift Stores. I drew and colored the Adam and Eve Puppets.)
This bucket goes along with the CREATION bucket. However, we have several songs about FLOWERS...so, we gave the flowers their own bucket. (Flowers came from the Dollar Tree.)
This is the NOAH'S ARK Bucket. The KIDDOS will get a TOOL when they sing songs about building the ARK. Then they will get an ANIMAL when they are singing songs about the ANIMALS on the ARK. Their are UNCOLORED ARK/RAINBOW fans in the bottom of this bucket. The teachers plan to get them colored soon. (The tools came from Oriental Trading Company. The Animals came from a Noah's Ark Set. The Rainbow Fan came from Hobby Lobby.)
This is the MOSES BUCKET. Each KIDDO will get a baby MOSES, BASKET and blanket. Then they will sing songs about Baby Moses. (The dolls came from HOBBY LOBBY....YEARS AGO. Sadly, I cannot find them any longer. But, I noticed the DOLLAR TREE has some sweet Baby Dolls in their GIRL'S Section. The baskets are from an old EASTER EGG decorating kit. The blankets were hand made.)
In the bottom of the MOSES BUCKET is FROGS. The KIDDOS will have a frog as they sing songs about the PLAGUES on EGYPT. (My sister gave me these frogs years ago!!)
This is the Joshua and Judges Bucket. The HORNS are to be used when they sing songs about Joshua and Jericho. The Palm Trees are for use during the songs about DEBORAH the Judge. The finger PUPPET is RUTH. (We are still working to expand this bucket with other stories.--I bought several DONKEYS today at the DOLLAR TREE so that they can use those while SINGING about Balaam.) I will try to update pics at a later date. (The Palm Trees came from Dollar Tree. The HORNS came from Dollar Tree. The Finger Puppets came from Oriental Trading Company.)
This is the Jonah BUCKET. Each KIDDOS will have a whale as they sing songs about Jonah. (The whales were a gift from my sister. Again, they were given to me years ago.)
This is the Daniel Bucket. Each KIDDO will get a Daniel and a Lion to use as they sing songs about Daniel. (The Daniel Finger Puppets came from Oriental Trading Company. The Lions came from Walmart.)
This is the NEHEMIAH and EZRA BUCKET. The KIDDOS will REBUILD the WALLS as they sing songs about EZRA and NEHEMIAH. We already have a few new items to add to this bucket....I will take more pics soon. (The Tools came from Oriental Trading Company. The WALLS are from the set of Castle Blocks that I purchased to build the Temple and the City of Jerusalem.)
This is the LIFE of JESUS BUCKET. There are several objects in this BUCKET. There are: BABY JESUS. GROWN JESUS. CROSSES. JESUS with CHILDREN STICKS. (The teachers will be coloring these soon.) This BUCKET will be used while singing songs about Baby Jesus. Adult Jesus. The Cross. Jesus and Children. (The Baby Jesus and Adult Jesus finger puppets came from Oriental Trading Company. The Crosses came from Hobby Lobby. The Jesus and Little Children sticks came from Hobby Lobby.)
We call this one LIVING for JESUS BUCKET. There are HEARTS, Battery Powered Candles, Happy Face Balls, and Church Buildings. We have songs that go with each of those items. (Happy Face Balls came from Hobby Lobby. The Foamy Church Buildings came from Hobby Lobby. The Battery Powered Candles are from the Dollar Tree. The Hearts are from Big Lots---they are about 15 years old.)
This is a basket full of FUN FISH. There are so many uses for these FISH. However, on of the KIDDOS favorite songs is, "ALL GOD'S FISH ARE SWIMMIN IN THE WATER." (The FISH came from Dollar Tree. Several Years ago.)
This age group LOVES things that MOVE or MAKE noise. THIS basket is full of TEACHING TOYS. They are wind ups and (except the ROBIN.--she tweets when you hold her in your palm.) we have songs that go with each wind up toy. (I have collected these WIND up toys for years. I often find them at GARAGE SALES for pennies.)
These are fun for this age group. The KIDDOS get to hold a songbook as they sing...They wont do this every week...but, they will do this once in a while.
(These came from Dollar Tree. Several Years Ago.)
I LOVE these Bible Characters!!! I am so happy to see them being put to use. I think they make this classroom look FUN and EXCITING!!
We have some other ideas and plans for this room. I will try to post more pictures of this room and "BUCKET BIBLE LESSONS" as we EXPAND upon this idea.
Looks great!
ReplyDeleteThanks Jen. We are very excited about this NEW class. :-)
ReplyDeletevery nice!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing! I am going to try to start a class soon for the couple little ones we have here and this post came at just the right time!
ReplyDeleteGlad this is helpful. We are soooo excited about this class!!! The KIDDOS were so excited this past Sunday!!
ReplyDeleteLooks really fun! Did you get the Daniel finger puppet from Oriental Trading recently? Because I've been looking for Bible character finger puppets from OT for several months with no luck. Any suggestions? Also, where did the great Bible figures that go around the bottom of the room come from? Are they ones you made? Thanks for all the great ideas!
ReplyDeleteAbbie, We did get the Daniel figures within the last 6 MONTHS or so....I had order a BUNCH of Finger Puppets from Oriental Trading Company....However, when I look online for them--they are apparently not available at this time. They came with a set called "HE LIVES" Finger Puppets or with the Birth of Jesus set. I would keep checking on OT website....If I see that they post NEW BIBLE FINGER PUPPETS I will do what I can to LET everyone know.
ReplyDeleteThe Bible Characters that are being used to boarder the classroom are currently out of print. However the Old Testament Characters can still be purchased via Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Scholastic-Teachers-Friend-Characters-TF3102/dp/0439654777/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1370629458&sr=8-1&keywords=scholastic+old+testament+characters I have not found a source for the NT. Characters. Hope this helps.
BTW, just copy and past the link into your browser
ReplyDeleteAnd for clarification...I am NOT the one selling these Bulletin Board Sets. :-)
Love, love the Bible Buckets. Would you mind sharing the words to the Choo Choo Bible Song? And the "all God's fish are swimming in the water" song?
ReplyDeleteI love so much of what you post for teaching! The bucket lessons look just perfect for what we are trying to achieve in the class I teach. I know several of the songs you mention, but I wonder if it would be possible for you to share each song that goes with the items in the buckets. I know this will be a time-consuming chore, but I know it would be helpful for me. I was thinking of putting laminated song cards in each bucket that goes with that bucket's item. Thank you for sharing so much of your heart for teaching Jesus to the little ones. Your passion is contagious. :-)
ReplyDeleteRhonda, Do you have a CD that's available with the songs you mentioned on it? I would love to purchased one.
ReplyDeleteOh, such great active ideas! Anyone who has tried to teach toddlers knows the only way to make it actually fun for them is to involve them. This does that sooo well! Excited to try it out! :-)
ReplyDeleteUh, the bible characters are being sold on Amazon - for $984.00!!!!! Who are they kidding!
ReplyDeleteI have recently taken over the 2-3 year old class at our church and I am in love with your site! Do you have a link where I can hear the songs that you refer to in this post? Thank you for this blog! It has been a great source of inspiration!
ReplyDeleteI would also love to know where to find these songs. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI have the Bible songs book pictured above but don't find songs related to your buckets. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI am also wondering about the songs...
ReplyDeleteI was wondering if this was a class for the kids to attend while parents at church? I was wondering if if the buckets were a avaliable for the kids to get at anytime or only if the teacher got them out for a song? Did you do anything else with the items in the bucket other than sing songs with them? What else was a part of the lesson plans other than songs? I love the bucket idea so im asking these questions to see how it works in a class with little ones. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI would love to know where I can find the words and tune's to each of these song!
ReplyDeleteThis is amazing!!! I will surely be applying this in my Sunday School room :)
ReplyDeleteIf you are looking for a fun and exciting way to get your child to play with plastic, then you may want to consider purchasing a set of toys for them to use with Maileg toys. Get more details about maileg toys, check here.