I am a bit behind on the website....so, I am attempting to play catch up. Here is what we did recently. We are continuing to EXPLORE BIBLE HISTORY. We just recently had a lesson about Isaac and Rebekah.
We added a "EVENT" card to our GOD'S AWESOME PLAN FOR MAN!! Timeline. This TIMELINE is a great way to review past lessons. Since most of my KIDDOS remember via visual triggers...this is a great resource to have up in our classroom at all times. It is an every growing and expanding visual.
I wanted a Memory Verse about water...it seem to be the perfect type of memory verse to go with this lesson. So, I chose John 4:14. We sang the Memory Verse to the tune: "Oh, Come All Ye Faithful." We did explain to the KIDDOS that JESUS is the one that gives us "water" and that if we follow and obey HIM we will never thirst. However, because my KIDDOS are so young...we put it all on KIDDO friendly terms. We were happy for them to tell us that JESUS is our EVERLASTING SPRING that GIVES ETERNAL LIFE.
To tell this story I used CLIP ART visuals.... I just printed and laminated them. The KIDDOS loved that Rebekah's arm moves.
For the Kiddos TAKE HOME project we made a picture of Rebekah offering water to Abraham's Servant. The KIDDOS colored and added stickers and the PITCHER. They enjoyed making theses. They really enjoyed making Rebekah's arm go up and down. :-)
Our REVIEW game was a FUN and simple game. The object was to get the camel to the WELL. Rebekah is standing near the WELL ready to give the camel a drink. The KIDDOS would pull a card from the QUESTION cards. If they answered the question correctly they would move the camel to the next space.
The "GAME BOARD" is made out of sand. I already had the sand...so, I decided to put it to use. The little cardboard trays were in our "RECYCLED" Bible Class supplies in our Resource Room. They worked perfectly!! The KIDDOS LOVED touching the sand!!
The following week was our REVIEW week. So, the KIDDOS made THESE and added them to their EXPLORER JOURNAL!!!
They enjoyed adding STICKER PALM TREES, a PITCHER which is sort of 3D, we used FOAM STICKERS to make it POP off the paper. The KIDDOS added ROCKS to the WELL, then, they added SAND!!! That was their FAVORITE thing to do to their Explorer Journal Activity!!
This was a fun lesson to teach. We focused on GOD taking care of Isaac and how HE chose the RIGHT wife for Isaac.