Today was the beginning of our new "Theme." We are Exploring the Armor of God.
Paul wrote the Letter to the brethren in Ephesus. They lived under the Roman Government and were completely aware of the Armor a Soldier wore.

The kiddos were excited to get started with this new topic. However, I was asked SEVERAL times...."are we going to finish the Judges and learn about the Kings?" They are so smart!!! After lots of reassurance we went on with our new topic.
I had the kiddos put on the Explorer Hats today and we sang the song. "We Are Bible Explorers." The kiddos love marching around the room as we sing this song.
We then went right on with my lesson plans. We added a BEE to their attendance charts as we sang our attendance song. We then talked about Prayer and how we are to be REVERENT during prayer. We then said our prayer. Then we did some Basic Bible Review and Songs. This is when we say our Books of the Bible. Review how many book are in the Bible, how many main parts, how many book in the Old/New, etc.
This is when I told them that our lesson was from the New Testament. I told the kids it came from the Ephesian Epistle (telling them that they would impress their parents if they remembered that an Epistle is a fancy word for a letter.) I then showed them where Ephesus and Rome are on our NEW classroom map. (I forgot to take a picture of the map...I will make sure to get one next week.) I explained that Paul loved the Christians that lived in Ephesus and wanted them to be strong. I then went on with the lesson about Armor.
Our main focus was on the BELT OF TRUTH today. We talked about our need for listening to TRUTH. We talked about how the devil is filled with lies and is our enemy...and God's Word will help us defeat our enemy.
Our activity was a cardstock BELT OF TRUTH. They were so cute wearing these as they left the classroom.
Our Memory Verse was Ephesians 6:14. We had a little tune to sing the memory verse too. I LOVE to have a song to go with their memory verses. I think it helps them to memorize the verse.
Our Review Activity was a fun experience. I coded a cube (old empty cardboard box) with all the pieces of the Armor of God. The kiddos had to answer a question from the story for an opportunity to roll the cube. Whatever piece of Armor the cube landed on the children added that to their "soldier." The boys had a boy soldier and the girls had a girl soldier. They seemed to enjoy this game. If they do not get the answer correct I use that as the opportunity to correct any misunderstanding. BTW, this was a cheap game to make.
This is the cube...I covered the box with blue poster paper and then attached the Armor pieces.

We had our Who? What? When? Where? Where? Why? and How? cards. And we had a card to add to our God's Awesome Plan for Man wall. I really think this is an important part of ALL Bible stories.
This is our NEW Theme Bulletin Board.
On Wednesday Evening the kiddos will be "designing" their Belt of Truth. They will glue on sequins after coloring their belt. They will then add the little Bible to their belt...since the BELT OF TRUTH is the WORD OF GOD.
I am looking forward to teaching this material. I know the children really were excited this morning. I hope they are always excited about learning lessons from God's Word.