We have been studying the story of the 10 Commandments for the last two weeks. There is soooo much information on the Mount Sinai story that I decided we need

ed to take it a bit slower. So, here is some of what I did with the children during this study.
We focused on the fact that the Hebrews were told to move and camp at the basin of Mount Sinai. We talked about how they were to prepare for something AWESOME. We talked about Moses going up the Mount...and how the Hebrews were NOT supposed to come near or touch Mount Sinai.
We then focused on what was happening to Mount Sinai. The rumbling thunderous sounds and the lightning. We talked about the cloud being on top of Mount Sinai and God speaking to Moses. I taught the children about the 10 Commandments. How, they were written on stone. We then spent most of the class time talking about each commandment and it's meaning for the Hebrews. We talked about how if we love God we will keep all of HIS commands today.
Jn, 14:15
We also covered the fact that Moses was up on the Mount for 40 days, (However, I did not go into the golden calf story....that is for next Sunday.) I did explain that God gave Moses more that just the 10 Commandments. HE gave Moses the instructions for the Hebrews daily life and the instructions for the tabernacle.

The children enjoyed this lesson very much.
As their "Take Home" activity we made a "Mount Sinai." It is made out of paper...folded into a triangle box. We added stickers (I made them from my computer and sticker maker machine.) of Moses, #10, 40 days, and Clouds and lightning, The children had to tell me what each sticker had to do with the story. We also glued a cloud (cotton) on the top of Mount Sinai,

As a visual aid I used the "Stone" tablets seen above. I had made these several years ago and they are still a wonder visual. I also, use a Mount Sinai, diorama that I made several years ago, The paper dolls are from www.makingfriends.com. I printed and laminated them a long time ago. I reuse them when ever I need to tell the story of Mount Sinai. The children LOVED this interactive visual.

The Memory Verse for the week was John 14:15

The review game was a Match the Picture represetation to the correct commandment. This was a bit of a challenge....but, they enjoyed it.

These numbers each represent a commandment. The children really enjoyed these VISUALS. They seemed to help the kiddos remember the commandments a bit easier.