I am really PLEASED with our NEW Attendance Charts.
This is how it ALL came together.
First, I knew we were needing a NEW Attendance board....after all, it is a NEW QUARTER!!! I LOVE the beginning of NEW QUARTERS!!!! There is always a bit of rejuvenation, excitement and changes!! But, that being said, I really was NOT sure WHAT I was going to do for Attendance Charts....I thought about a few ideas...but, nothing was really getting me excited....then, on a Saturday Evening, my nine year old son and I were out and about and I had to run into Dollar Tree. I want you all to know....I was NOT necessarily LOOKING for Bible Class Materials....I was on a mission to buy my 9 year old son some BOY SMELLING SHAMPOO and SHOWER SOAP.

After finding the SOAP and SHAMPOO and making my son really happy, I decided to just BROWSE around. After all, we were not in a BIG hurry. So, as I wandered around the store, I happened to find these SWEET, ADORABLE and REALLY CUTE Bird Houses....HUM. The first thing that POPPED into my head, "It's TWEET To Be In Bible Class!!" I was so excited---I NEARLY did my happy squeal....but, did not want to embarrass my 9 year old, so I refrained. My son was pleased with my ability to practice SELF-CONTROL! :-) I loaded up with BIRDHOUSES....making sure to get ones with PINK birds for the GIRLS and BLUE birds for the BOYS.
Now, the process of putting them together....fairly easy. My co-teacher was a great help in this endeavor. We wanted them to all LOOK a bit different...so, we mixed and matched the walls, roofs, etc. I am really please with how they turned out!!
I am sure you saw that the birdhouses came with a flower or "welcome" sign. We did NOT let those go to waste....I just added them to the flowers that we will be adding to the Bulletin Board/Attendance Board!
We did glue each birdhouse to a piece of cardstock...I chose BRIGHT colored cardstock...impart because I have an abundance of BRIGHT colored cardstock and because I thought it would make the Bulletin Board have a bit more POP!!
This is the Bulletin Board/Attendance Board in Progress. We have the border up...(I bought that Teal Gingham Checked Boarder Trim at the Dollar Tree!!!)
I had the bigger flowers we just added the 3D pieces to them...I used the "EXTRA" pieces that came with the Birdhouses and a few of the flowers, I just cut out and layered.

Don't you think these Bird houses are super CUTE!!
They are so BRIGHT and COLORFUL...they have really brought a bit of SPRINGTIME into our CLASSROOM!!
The Bulletin Board/Attendance Board is nearly done....I just have a few more things to ADD...Can you guess what it might be?
If you said, "BIRDS" you are right!!! I found these little birds at Mardel...they were 50% off!!! I think they help give a FINISHED look to the BOARD. By the way, can you see the bird sticker already on one of the ATTENDANCE CHARTS....I had forgotten to take a "FINISHED" pic...I remembered AFTER this mornings class....All the other KIDDOS stuck their FIRST BIRD sticker to their BIRDHOUSE....but, one of my sweet little KIDDOS stuck it to the "Back Board" of their Birdhouse...I hope these FILL up with BIRD STICKERS!!!