This week the KIDDOS will be learning about King Joash being hidden in the Temple. We are continue our "EXPLORATION" of the Kings of Judah. It is so nice to be able to teach about GODLY kings.
We have a NEW CARD up on our "GOD'S AWESOME PLAN FOR MAN" wall!!
We have a "NEW" word for our WORD WALL. The word is "TREASON." Since this is not a word OFTEN used in and around 4-7 year olds...I think it is important for the KIDDOS to understand the meaning of this word.
We have a NEW song for this lesson!! I am excited about teaching this song to the KIDDOS.
I felt this would be a WONDERFUL memory verse for this lesson. We will sing it to the tune, "If you're happy and you know it..." Knowing my KIDDOS, they will have it memorized before they leave the classroom. I want to focus on the fact that even though the KIDDOS are young...they can do GOOD things and serve GOD. Just like Joash!!
The KIDDOS "TAKE HOME" project is very simple. I had some of those CROWN DOOR hangers leftover....SO, I decided that they would be GREAT for this LESSON. The KIDDOS will decorate the DOOR hanger with GEMS and then color and STICK on the "homemade" verse sticker.

i Wanted to share the Visual Aide I will be using this week!
I made the TEMPLE out of blocks! I am so excited to finally get to use it while telling a story to the KIDDOS. I have had it on "display" in the classroom...BUT, now we get to get our "HANDS ON" experience with the Temple. YAY!!!
All of the little people recently arrived via mail. You see, my sister sent them to me. (I love it when family cleans out and blesses me with their Hand-Me-Downs.) The "people" originally came from Oriental Trading Company.

I decided to use these as Joash, Jehoiada and Jehosheba. The PINK and BLACK little doll is Athaliah. I will use these to tell the story.....I love that I am able to "HIDE" Joash in the Temple with Jehoiada.
The KIDDOS are going to be so excited about getting to TOUCH and "PLAY" with this visual.
Our REVIEW Game this week is basically a WHO did it? WHO said it? WHO is it? type of game. All of the questions can be answered correctly by picking up the correct "PUPPET."

I have a black "?" Bag. (I just got this came from Walmart and it was filled with a set of Black Bed Sheets. I recently bought a new set of sheets for our guest room and I became very excited about this BAG. I knew, RIGHT AWAY, that I would be using it in Bible Class.)
The KIDDOS will pick a question out of the bag (they are hidden in the bag---like JOASH was hidden in the Temple.) then they all have to answer the question by picking up the correct puppet!!
Next week the KIDDOS will make their "EXPLORER JOURNAL" Activity. The KIDDOS will color the picture and get to GLITTER Joah's crown. Then they will get to add the scroll (TESTIMONY) to Joash's hands.
BTW, the scroll is made out of these auto cloths. I purchased these at the Dollar Tree. They are very moist when you open them...I just let them dry out and become stiff. Then I just, randomly, tore the scroll pieces. Then I rolled the ends around dowels. Super easy and very cheap. I still have a LOT of this yellow cloth leftover.
I am excited about this lesson.....Hope things are going well for you and your KIDDOS too.