Hi all. It has been a fast and furious few weeks at our NUT HOUSE...Just so you know that is what I lovingly call my home. It seems that the VIRUS my 13 year old brought home from school...took up LOOOOONG term residency in our home. On top of that, we have had a family of squirrels move into our attic. BLECK!!! I think they took the naming of our home seriously!!! So, LIFE has been extremely CRAZY for our family. You see, while trying to catch these pesky squirrels, while trying to celebrate my LOVING HUBBY'S birthday, while trying to enjoy all the various activities and performances that my KIDDOS have going on this time of the year, while trying to get all the Christmas preparations done and trying to enjoy the Holiday Season...I have been FLAT OUT SICK!!! I am now UP on my feet and feeling about 80% normal.
Being way to sick to go anywhere did provide me with one blessing. I got to WRITE BIBLE LESSONS!!!! You see, I snuggled up in my favorite chair under my favorite blanket with my computer and managed to get 3 lessons written on the Southern Nation of Judah!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!! I really try to look for BLESSINGS in Sufferings. I REALLY try to find a way to be thankful and content.
After being sick for so long I could NOT wait to get in my classroom and get some "WORK" done. So, TODAY, the first day of 2013, I loaded up my computer and "BIBLE CLASS Projects Bag" and headed to the church building
with my Hubby. I REALLY wanted to get the KIDDOS ATTENDANCE CHARTS
CHANGED TODAY!!!! I wanted them to be ready for the KIDDOS on Wednesday

that they had been filling in with 3D leaves.
But, I have to tell you a funny story. You see, these KIDDOS are SMART!!!
I have had 2 of my KIDDOS point out that we are NO LONGER IN
AUTUMN!! So, I figured I better get a move on and get them changed out
quickly!!! :-) I love it when the KIDDOS keep you on TASK!
I decided to go with the Theme of HEARTS. We are going to be learning about some Kings of Judah that had their HEARTS RIGHT with GOD. So, I will be able to bring in the ATTENDANCE CHARTS into our lessons... I have entitled the Attendance Board, "We LOVE Attending BIBLE Class!" I will point out to the KIDDOS that when we LOVE ATTENDING BIBLE CLASS it makes GOD happy.
I LOVE the colors on this BOARD. I do not often use Pastel Colors....But, this allowed me to have Pastels mixed with BRIGHTS!!! I did put the BOYS Attendance Cards on BLUE backgrounds and the GIRLS Attendance Cards are or Bright PINK!! I have a VARIETY of HEART SHAPED stickers. So, I think it will work well for Boys and Girls. I will let you know how much they like this Attendance Charts.
Because I am a BIG fan of 3D, I added some 3D RED HEART ORNAMENTS. I have had these ornaments in my supply closet for about 8 years. I used one set a LONG time ago when I was teaching on the attributes of LOVE from 1 Corinthians 13. I knew I would use this second set at some point---who knew it would be about 8 years later. That is WHY I say "SAVE IT---I will use it some day!"
This Attendance Board Makes me Happy. I hope the KIDDOS will LOVE filling in their CARDS with LOTS of HEART SHAPED STICKERS!!!!

OK, OK, OK....JUST an UPDATE. Please let me explain...I ran by Dollar Tree this morning to pick up a BUTTON--I need one more GIRL MEMORY VERSE BEAD BUTTON--we have a NEW family attending with us!!!!! Well, when I walked in I was so excited....THEY have all their VALENTINES DECORATIONS out!!! I spotted something immediately!!!! Those beautiful, little, RED FELT HEARTS!!!! They are a GARLAND!!!!!!! So, I decided to get them....I knew I wanted to add them to my Attendance Board.....BUT, I have FUTURE PLANS for them too!!!! Wont they be great for when I teach on 1 CORINTHIANS 13---The infamous LOVE Chapter!!! I will be able to use them to ADD a NEW ATTRIBUTE to the garland as we learn about it!!! I will just need to take them apart (once I have finished using them to decorate the board) and write each attribute of LOVE on the hearts....The KIDDOS will each get their OWN SET to add their hearts to....I know it will be a LOOOOOONG time before I CHRONOLOGICALLY get to 1 CORINTHIANS 13...but, sometimes in the SUMMER, I like to CHANGE things us and do a NEW TESTAMENT STUDY....HUM......I might have to do that this Summer. NOT SURE, so don't HOLD me to that PLAN. :-)
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