This has been a crazy few weeks....We have had sickness in the home, including me. Then we had a week off of school due to the Blizzard of 2011. Oklahoma does not handle snow the way the Northern States handle snow. It shuts the state down. They are telling us to prepare now for more snow....YIKES! I am ready for SPRING!!!
So, enough about all the recent woes in our life. LOL. On to more important news. We are continuing in our study of the Fruit of The Spirit. Our recent lesson was about KINDNESS. I decided to use the story of Jesus healing the paralyzed man found in Mark 2:1-12 I wanted the children to see the KINDNESS that the four friends showed the paralyzed man.
Visual for the Story made from a box! |
I introduced the story by asking the children if they had ever done something kind for someone. I then asked them if someone had ever done something kind for them. Of course, they had TONS of stories to tell me. I love it when they can quickly relate a "life experience" to the topic of the day.
Our TAKE HOME activity was a type of mobile. It was a Heart with three little hearts....The children colored their hearts, added google eyes, a pom pom ball, and the three hearts that read, "KINDNESS BEGINS WITH ME." As we made our TAKE HOME we talked about how important it is to be KIND! We talked about different KIND deeds we can do for others. The hanger is a old shower curtain ring...I bought a BUNCH of these at a garage sale. They come in handy for quick binding, hangers, etc.
Our memory verse this week was Psalm 117:2. I explained that God is very KIND to us. HE was so KIND that HE gave the world HIS SON.

The Game/Activity for this week was a bit of a challenge! We filled in a REBUS puzzle. At first they all struggled with the concept (all except my oldest student). However, they caught on very quickly. We read the Rebus several times, filling in the next blank. They had to figure out what filled in the blank. Each student had the opportunity to stick on pieces of the Rebus. Challenging them is good!
We added a few words to our "WORD WALL." We added the words: PARALYZED and KINDNESS. The children are so happy learning these "BIG PEOPLE" words.
On Wednesday Evening the children colored the picture and added the "ROPES." (This picture came from a copyable book and I thought it suited the need for this weeks Explorer Journal activity.) It is OK to use other people's material....JUST MAKE SURE THEY ARE SCRIPTURAL and ACCURATELY represent the story.
I am enjoying teaching the Fruit of the Spirit. It has allowed the children to learn VARIOUS stories from the Bible. Since I normally teach in a CHRONOLOGICAL fashion, this is a nice break from MY norm. It is challenging me to think of Biblical Examples that go along with each attribute of the Fruit of the Spirit. So far, so good.
Hi I was wondering if you could tell me where you got your pictures from for the people in your box. Thanks
ReplyDeleteHello Ronda, you have a wonderful site!! With so many ideas. I'm happy I found you. I have the same question as Sally (above). I am searching for the pictures you used in the box. Especially those of the four friends on the roof. I want to make something simular with the kids from the bible club. Can you help me? I hope so.
ReplyDeleteBlessings, Tabitha (from the Netherlands;)