This is our LAST lesson in the second book of my Exploring Bible History Curriculum.
The children have really enjoyed these lessons...and we will shortly be going on into book THREE...however we have a few weeks of REVIEWING FUN COMING UP FIRST. I will post about our review days.

This lesson was about
Balaam and the Talking Donkey. The Children LOVED!!! this lesson. It is amazing how excited they get over the Donkey Talking. The focus of the lesson, of course, was we MUST LISTEN TO GOD!!! Because, I do NOT have a talking Donkey....I ended up using a donkey that I had found at Micheal's Craft store for $1.00. I LOVE this sturdy little donkey. To make a
Balaam, I cut one of my Bible Friends, that I had made and laminated years ago, to fit on the donkey. I think it turned out cute.

For the kiddos "Take Home" activity, we made a Paper Bag Donkey Puppet....I loved hearing them sing "
Balaam Rode a Donkey" with the Donkey Puppet on their hands. They are
soooo cute!!! I had planned on adding YARN hair to the donkey, but do to the snow and ice we were having I was unable to make it to the craft store. The kids were OK without the yarn...however, I think it would have made them a little cuter.
Again, due to the weather...I had to take home the supplies to make the puppets (remember I think crafts should NOT take up too much time in Bible Class...So, I do 90% of the work before class.) Here they are drying on my kitchen table. :-)

Our Memory Verse was a good verse to help remind us to LISTEN TO GOD! We sang the Memory Verse to the tune: "Ten Little Indians."

Our review game was
soooo much fun. We played 'PIN the MOUTH ON
BALAAM"S DONKEY." Some of the kids did not want to wear the mask...however, most of them LOVED wearing the mask. For a turn they had to answer a question about today's story.
I will post about Wednesday Nights Activities Shortly.