The Children liked this lesson...we talked about all the furnishings that went into the Tabernacle...and then talked about the rooms of the Tabernacle. We talked about the outer court, the coverings, and the attendants for the Tabernacle... (the Levites.)
We also, learned how the cloud rested above the Most HOLY Place. And when it moved, the Hebrews knew it was time to move.
The Take home activity was a coloring page of the Tabernacle with a FIRE sticker and cotton Pillar of Cloud.
The children LOVED the MODEL of the Tabernacle....we really enjoyed looking at all the items that went in the Tabernacle.
The review game was printed Tabernacle furnishings that were velcroed to a board laid out to resemble the layout of the Tabernacle. The children placed them in the right place after answering a question.
Our Memory Verse card...we sang this Memory Verse to the tune, "Oh Come all ye faithful.."
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