Yet, if you look at the story you see how much GOD loves HIS people. You see how important the story of Passover is when studying and learning about the death of Jesus...our PASSOVER LAMB.
I will admit the TYPE/ANTI TYPE story is extremely deep for the, my focus will be on the History of the Hebrews Obedience, Protection, and Deliverance. We will learn how they DID ALL that God commanded and were saved! This is still the commandment today. " “If you love Me, keep My commandments." John 14:15
Our activity for today is a "Hebrew's Door." The door (made of cardstock) will be colored by the childr

They will have a new Memory Verse this week. We will say it several times and SING it several times before class period is over. Their new Memory Verse is Exodus 12:13.
We will also

I have places an Ordinal Number of each plague and a picture of Moses and Pharaoh in each plastic egg. The children will answer questions and then get to pick an egg. They will open the egg....and then place the egg in the correct numberd spot in the egg carton. I know the children will LOVE this game.....and there was NO real expense to it. The eggs were leftovers from Easter. I had the egg carton in the fridge. I printed the pictures on my printer....and lamintaed them for stability and longevity. Cheap, Easy and type of DO IT YOURSELF project.