Our continuing Exploration through the Life of Jesus Has brought us to the time when Jesus Calls His Apostles. We learned about the time when Jesus said, "Come and Follow Me and I Will Make You Fishers of Men."
We know JESUS was walking by the Sea of Galilee, when HE see Peter and Andrew. Later, He will call James and John. Then later He calls the other eight special HELPERS. These Special Helpers were the Apostles.
With that being said, I used this LESSON as an opportunity to teach the Apostles and to teach the KIDDOS the need to FOLLOW JESUS!!
We added NEW CARDS to our DO You Know? Wall. My Expectation is for the KIDDOS to be able to answer each of these by the end of the lesson. \

The KIDDOS LOVED this VISUAL. I added the SEA of GALILEE by using some blue material, I had in my stash of supplies and gave the Fishermen some Fishing Nets---this netting came off a a bag of tomatoes. I literally save the strangest stuff for Bible Class.
I noticed these toys are still available for purchase. Here is a link to one on Amazon. For clarity, I DO NOT receive any compensation for putting a link here...I only do so for my readers benefit. Galilee-Boat-Piece-Playset-BibleToys
Those are important words for the KIDDOS to understand for this lesson to make more sense to them.

To hear the MEMORY VERSE song click on this link. Matthew 3:17 Memory Verse
This is one of those lessons where we have two SONG to learn. One goes right along with the lesson and the other is to help with the recalling of the Apostles, by name.
To hear this song click on the link. Fishers Of Men Song---By Ronda Duvall

To give the activity some support for display, we used GLUE DOTS to attach them to these Plastic Photo Frames. I purchased them at Dollar Tree. They turned our really cute and the KIDDOS were so excited about showing them to their parents!!!

Each of them had the opportunity to use a "fishing net" and catch on of the Balloon men, I made. The Balloon men had questions on the bottom of their feet. So, to KEEP the Balloon Man out of the Sea of Galilee, the KIDDO had to be able to answer the question.
They LOOOOOVED this game!!! They were excited about this game as soon as they walked into the classroom!!

This LESSONS EXPLORER JOURNAL ACTIVITY was a fun one. We made fishing poles from sticks out of my yard. We added FISH with either a BOY or a GIRL on it and on the back is the Verse from the LESSON. To top it off the KIDDOS got to pick out a BOBBER to add to their fishing line. The original idea of this was not mine...I saw something similar to this on Pinterest so, I decided to try to make something similar....I did design the fish and the little Explorer Girl, you see in the fish is mine. I drew a Explorer Boy and Girl a few years back....and I use them OFTEN for projects.
I am thoroughly enjoying teaching the KIDDOS through the LIFE of CHRIST. It is exciting to see them get excited about LEARNING more and more about JESUS!!!