We have a NEW LESSON this week!!! The KIDDOS will be learning all about SETH. Seth is such an important BABY!!!! After all, JESUS will be one of SETH'S descendants!!! So, not only was SETH a blessing to ADAM and EVE, he was a BLESSING to YOU and ME!
We have new informational cards up on our DO YOU KNOW? Wall. These are the BASIC questions I expect the KIDDOS to be able to answer at the end of the LESSON. Who? What? When? Where? Where in the BIBLE? Why? and How is this important to me?
We have a PICTURE CARD of "BABY SETH" up on our "GOD'S AWESOME PLAN FOR MAN" timeline.
We sing it to the tune: Ten Little Indians.
The socks came from Dollar Tree...3 pair for $1.00...that is SIX baby Seth's from one pkg of socks. The Rattles came from the Dollar Tree...from the BABY SHOWER section. The fleece blankets came from the Dollar Tree. I found them in their BABY section. I bought 1 blanket and I HAVE a BUNCH of LEFTOVER FLEECE!!! Oh, I filled each sock with white RICE....used a rubber band to give it a "head," tied a knot in the sock and rolled it over to form the bonnet. Hope these instructions are clear. :-)
The KIDDOS will REMOVE a RATTLE from BABY SETH, by answering the question PRINTED on the RATTLES.
Then, we will play the game in reverse--the KIDDOS will add the RATTLES to BABY SETH by answering the questions on the RATTLES.
Seth is such an IMPORTANT Bible Character...OUR SAVIOR comes though SETH'S family!!!! I want the KIDDOS to REALLY UNDERSTAND SETH'S importance in Bible History.