This weeks lesson is focusing on some of the miracles Elisha performs. We will quickly cover the miracle when Elisha healed the water at Jericho...but our MAIN focus of the lesson will be when Elisha helps the widow...this story comes from 2 Kings 4.
We will add the WORD Debt to our WORD WALL!! Since, I will talk about DEBT....what is DEBT and how we are to handle DEBT. I know the KIDDOS are YOUNG...but, I believe we need to talk about the IMPORTANT TOPICS all though out their lives.
I also want to FOCUS the KIDDOS on to the fact that even though Elisha has performed this miracle...the WOMAN had to WORK!! She had to collect the JARS. She had to POUR the oil into the jars. She had to go to the market to SELL the oil. I love that this story shows that GOD always wants us to DO OUR PART!!!! We will add this CARD to our GOD'S AWESOME PLAN FOR MAN...timeline.
This week our MEMORY VERSE comes from 1 Chronicles 16:11-12.
I have a TUNE for this memory verse...but, it is a "RONDA ORIGINAL" tune...or as my 8 year old son says..."It's an unrecognizable tune, mom."
Nearing the end of this lesson we will briefly touch on the fact that Elisha will travel to, we will add Shunem to our MAP.
The KIDDOS TAKE HOME project was a WEE bit of a challenge for me.... I knew parents would NOT appreciate me sending the KIDDOS home with a bottle of OLIVE, what was I going to do????
I decided to focus the KIDDOS on the fact that GOD BLESSED the WIDOW with WHAT SHE NEEDED. And, GOD BLESSES US WITH WHAT WE NEED TOO!!!!!
But, I wanted to use a JAR...because, after all, it went along with the story. I knew I did not want GLASS jars (because, I want the KIDDOS to be able to touch and "PLAY" with their TAKE HOME.) So, off to the DOLLAR TREE I went.
This is WHAT I came up with.... Dollar Tree currently has these plastic jars filled with "RITZ" style crackers....SO, YES, my family will be EATING these RANCH FLAVORED CRACKERS for MONTHS!!!! I wanted the JARS...and if my family can get a SNACK out of my need for plastic JARS...WELL, I count that as a BLESSING. :-)
So, this is what my KIDDOS will be doing with these JARS. We are going to make "I SPY GOD'S BLESSINGS!" Jars. We will be placing, "EVERY DAY" items that are BLESSINGS from GOD, in the JARS and then filling them with RICE. The RICE is what makes them an "I SPY" Jar. If you are confused...JUST keep looking at the PICTURES....They will HELP EXPLAIN.

Each KIDDO will get these items....they do very in color...and I do have GIRLS and BOYS themed bags. BUT, each baggie has a tiny BIBLE, a FAMILY picture, a Monopoly HOUSE, 5 RED HEARTS, A BOY or GIRL (CLOTHING), SHOES or COWBOY BOOTS for boys, a JACK and TOP, ANIMALS, FLOWERS, SILVER STARS, GLITTERED MOON, FRUIT (FOOD), GLITTERED SUN, RAINDROP bead, SUNFLOWER SEEDS, PENNY, CAR and SMILEY BALL.
EACH of these items represents a BLESSING from GOD and goes with the POEM that I wrote...please, see the picture above.

After we discuss how GOD BLESSES us with these things....the KIDDOS will place them in the JARS and then fill it with RICE. We will seal the JARS and the KIDDOS (with my help) will attach a LABEL to the top...THE LABEL has the POEM printed on, that the PARENTS can HELP the KIDDOS see ALL the BLESSINGS that GOD has given them.
I also have pictures (like the one above) that I will give to each of the KIDDOS to go with THEIR OWN JAR. That way they can "SPY" the exact ITEMS they placed in the JAR.

For a REVIEW GAME...I decided we would use BABY FOOD JARS and POM-POM Balls....I have questions printed on COLORFUL circles and placed under each JAR. The KIDDOS will each get 3 POM-POM BALLS. They will then have turns at throwing their POM-POM BALLS into the JARS. The JAR their POM-POM lands in...well, they have to answer that question!!! BTW, a sweet Sister in Christ gave me these JARS a few YEARS ago...Her daughter in nearly 4 years old!!!! I did not really NEED them back then....BUT, I AM SO THANKFUL that I have them. I had stored them in my Bible Class Supply Closet....KNOWING, I might NEED them SOME DAY....WELL, I guess it is "SOME DAY!!"
This is my MOTTO: If people offer you unique items----THANK THEM, take them, save them, use them and THANK THEM again, telling them HOW you used them!!!! Those STRANGE WIDGETS just might be useful in BIBLE CLASS!!! :-)
Next week will be our REVIEW week for this LESSON. I really enjoy having 2 WEEKS to cover a LESSON. I can make SURE the KIDDOS understand what has been taught...and if they are missing some pieces, I will have an opportunity to help them fill in the BLANKS.
The KIDDOS will make their "EXPLORER JOURNAL" ACTIVITY next WEEK. I know they will LOVE this!!!! First off the get to COLOR with MARKERS!!!! Secondly, they will get to 'PAINT' with BABY OIL. This is a PROCESS....BUT, it is so much FUN!!!! You just need to PREPARE before SATURDAY NIGHT at 10:00 PM!!!
Fist off...for this process to work you need to use COPY paper NOT CARDSTOCK!!!! After you have copied you project onto CHEAP COPY Paper., you will need to use Elmer's Glue and "TRACE" the BLACK OUTLINE on the FRONT of the PAGE. Let it DRY for at least 24 hours. It will dry CLEAR. This is an IMPORTANT step!!!!

During class the KIDDOS will color the BACK of the page with MARKERS. (The back is the page with the design and Bible Verse (PRINTED BACKWARDS) on it.) VIBRANT COLOR Markers seem to work the BEST!! We will then GLUE on the GEMS to the front of the JAR.
NOW, for the FUN and AMAZING PART!!!

Pour a VERY SMALL amount of BABY oil on a SPONGE PAINT BUSH and let the KIDDOS PAINT the FRONT of their JAR with OIL!!! (After all, that was PART of Elisha's Miracle!!!!)
The COLORFUL image on the back will APPEAR through the JAR!!!! (JUST A LITTLE OIL is needed for this to work....and I mean JUST A LITTLE!!!!!!)

This is the FINISHED PRODUCT!!! It is almost like STAINED GLASS...and is TRANSPARENT when you hold it up to the LIGHT!!! Plus if you use BABY is NON TOXIC and makes the room smell nice!!!
I would keep some paper towels handy...that way if the oil PUDDLES in one place you will be able to dab it up with the towels. I have done a few other projects with this method of "OIL PAINTING" and every time---THE KIDDOS LOVE it and are AMAZED by the FINISHED PRODUCT!!!!
I am still working on a few other projects---I can't wait to SHARE them with you soon. Hope your Bible Classes are going well....Remember, you are teaching the MOST IMPORTANT SUBJECT that KIDDOS will ever be taught!!!!!