This week we are moving on in our Exploration of Bible History. We are still learning about the Miracles of Elisha...and this week we are going to be learning about the time when Elisha made an AXE HEAD FLOAT!!! This story comes from 2 Kings 6.
This story has always amazed me....I love the story of GOD'S power over the Laws of Physics!!! After all HE created Physics!!! :-) However, there is a few other points I want to DRAW OUT from this story. First off, I want the KIDDOS to understand the importance of Borrowing/Lending. I want them to understand that IF they Borrow something...they have a responsibility to make sure to take care of the item they borrowed...and to return it to the owner in a timely manner. I also, am wanting to talk to them about the idea of Lending something....hoping to get them to understand that when we LOAN out items we are taking a chance that we MIGHT not get the item back....and FRIENDSHIPS is much more important than items!!!
To introduce the lesson, I am going to have a pail of water and some "IRON" metal washers. I am going to let the children drop them in the water....then I am going to ask them if they can now make them FLOAT to the top of the, that I can get them out. I figure they will all say "NO." But, I will let them try to float them...LOL. Then I am going to toss a small stick in the water and ask them if they think that the STICK can make those HEAVY "IRON" WASHER float to the top. I am hoping they will think I am a it CRAZY!!!! But, that is when I am going to tell them that in the BIBLE we find a STORY where GOD'S PROPHET, ELISHA, made an AXE HEAD FLOAT!!!!!
This week the KIDDOS will be Memorizing Proverbs 22:7. I chose this verse because I feel it goes well with this story and teaches a very important LIFE LESSON!

The KIDDOS "TAKE HOME" ACTIVITY this week is super EASY!!! Matter-Of-Fact, it is an AX that I purchased at the Dollar Tree--back in the Summer. I was recently at the Dollar Tree and did NOT see these at this time....HOPING they will bring them back next Summer.
I wrote the Bible Verse on the AX HEADS with a Sharpie. I did write the LETTERS in an OUTLINE, the KIDDOS will be able to COLOR them in on Sunday. I will be letting them color with SHARPIE....SO, there will be LOTS of RULES for them to be allowed to "BORROW" my "special" markers. I will only "LOAN" them to the KIDDOS willing to FOLLOW the RULES! :-) I love it when I get to make something so simple FIT IN with the LESSON!!!! BTW, these AX HEADS FLOAT!!!!
The KIDDOS will be LEARNING a new song this week. It goes along with this lesson....It is called DO YOU THINK YOU COULD MAKE AN AXE HEAD FLOAT? This song is sung to the familiar tune: "If you're happy and you know it..."
Make sure to notice, I glued on a STICK....that way the AXE HEAD can FLOAT! :-)
I have attempted to explain this activity the best I can....but, I decided It would just be easier to SHOW you how the finished product works. So, we shot a short VIDEO....HOPE YOU ENJOY WATCHING the AXE HEAD FLOAT!!