BTW---I am posting the LINK as a service to my blog readers...I DO NOT RECEIVE any payment or any compensation from I did ask for permission to post a direct link to their website...which they granted to me on 9/25/2012. I hope this helps my readers!!! :-)
Now, for the BULLS and PITCHER I used clipart from my Print Master Program.... THE TRENCH....well it came from Print Master, too. I just printed out 2 copies and forced it into a circle....and added a clip art picture of water cut into a circle.
The ALTARS, I designed myself a LONG time ago and saved them as Clipart...I just laid them up 3 on a page and printed...that made them 3D after some laminating and folding.,
These VISUAL really assisted me when I told the story....It also helped the KIDDOS to visualize the story...We counted the stones on GOD'S Altar and "POURED" the "PITCHER of WATER" over the Altar 12 Times.
Visuals are so HELPFUL...and if you cannot find visuals, I say MAKE THEM.
Thank you for the clip art tips, I appreciate it.