This past Wednesday night the teacher reviewed the story of Balaam and the Talking Donkey. Again, the children LOVED this story. My co-teacher uses all the same visuals, games, etc. as I do on Sunday Morning.
However, on Wednesday Evening the activity the children make is kept in the classroom, in a book we call their Explorer Journal. This has been a great way to preserve all the kiddos HARD WORK...I BELIEVE THEY WORK VERY HARD IN CLASS!! The parents get to take home the Explorer Journal at the end of a quarter. The parents have been thrilled with these JOURNALS. It is wonderful to go back an look through them and see what all the children have learned.
This takes a little more time than most of our activities, but the end product is great...they loved moving their donkey along the road.
They all said their MEMORY VERSE and placed a sticker on the Explorer Journal Backpack. (I will take/post a picture of their "Backpacks" soon.
They also had just a few minutes to play the "PIN THE MOUTH ON THE DONKEY" game. We may have to play that game again on review SUNDAYS.
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