We added NEW CARDS to our DO You Know? Wall. My Expectation is for the KIDDOS to be able to answer each of these by the end of the lesson.
We had three new words to add to our WORD WALL. I chose AMAZED, PERISHING, and MULTITUDE.
Those are important words for the KIDDOS to understand for this lesson to make more sense to them.
To hear the MEMORY VERSE song click on this link. Memory Verse Song Mark 4:29
This is the SONG we learned with this lesson. This is an easy song with a very familiar tune.
The song can be heard by clicking the following link. "Peace Be Still" Song by Ronda Duvall
The Kiddo's TAKE-HOME project was exciting. The KIDDOS each received a "ship in a bottle" to take home with them. To complete the activity the KIDDOS added the scripture reference around the neck of the bottle. I have the scripture reference laying across the top of this bottle....but, in class they glued them around the neck/cap area of the bottle.
I made these by using blue food coloring, water and baby oil. I did glue the caps of each bottle shut...did not want them coming open in any way!!!!!
If you click this link you can see how we made WAVES with our bottle. Peace Be Still Ship In A Bottle....The kiddos loved making the waves and then stopping the waves as we sang our song!! clicking on the picture will NOT open the FB page....please click the link.
The KIDDOS answered a question from the lesson for the opportunity to make a STORM.
We used a big blue sheet with a toy boat in the middle. The KIDDOS all held onto the sheet and once we got a correct answer they would raise and lower their arms to make WAVES and make blowing and swish sounds.
I would then say, "HE SAID, PEACE BE STILL!" and they would immediately STOP!!
Then we repeated the process with the next KIDDOS opportunity to answer a question. The Kiddos LOVED this!!!!!!!
They enjoy doing "projects" like this on. The "people" were already colored...I did that on my computer, before I printed them and have access to a color copier.
The KIDDOS glued on their sails and cotton. Of course they are at the age the LOVE to glue items!!! The "people" had double stick foam stickers on their backs...Makes it quick and easy to attach them!! This project has a door that opens and closes to represent the storm STOPPING. BTW, the entire time the KIDDOS are working on their projects, I am reviewing, asking questions, singing the song, singing the Memory Verse or answering questions.
I am thoroughly enjoying teaching through the Life of Christ. I feel writing and prepping each LESSON helps me learn more and more about our LORD and I know the KIDDOS are learning so much about JESUS our LORD.
I have been following your blog for some time now. Love the way you teach. I often whisper to myself..."Wish she would offer printable templates of her resources." Any chance of getting a printable of the worship notebook?