Sunday, January 5, 2014


Sorry to be OFF the GRID for the month of DECEMBER.    It has been a CRAZY, BUSY MONTH!!!  We have had a few changes in PLANS and a few interruptions.  But, hopefully we are back to some since of "NORMAL." Thanks for your patience.  

If you follow me on Facebook, you are already aware that we have had a CHANGE in plans.  While I was planning on going forward with the study of Judah in Exile....My Co-Teacher and I had a conversation about some of our newer/younger students.  So, after much prayer and contemplation, I decided to GO BACK TO THE BEGINNING!!!    We will be studying CREATION-THE TOWER OF BABEL over the next 14 to 16 WEEKS. (I will continue writing and developing material for the study of Judah in Exile.) 

Of course, with the NEW material comes BIG changes in our CLASSROOM.  As you can see in the above picture, we have the DAYS of CREATION CIRCLES and NUMBERS....This in on our "DO YOU KNOW? Information Wall."    

I had found this lovely BANNER of the SOLAR SYSTEM in a clearance bin at Mardels  (I have had it in my BIBLE CLASS storage closet for a while now.) ....I KNEW I would put it to use one day...I LOVE IT!!!  It is a WONDERFUL VISUAL and VERY EXCITING for the KIDDOS to WALK in a see...I had the "WOWS" coming from all my KIDDOS this morning.  

We have a NEW MAP up on our "DO YOU KNOW?"  Information Wall.

I decided to hang our "BEFORE TIME BEGAN GOD HAD A PLAN" box up on the map wall. We will ADD items to this box as the QUARTER moves 

I have a (donated) baby formula container that is currently holding various items that the KIDDOS will PUT in the box...It has TOYS and OBJECTS to represent EACH DAY of CREATION!  The KIDDOS will reach in and PULL one item out and then tell me which day GOD created that particular "thing."  If they answer the question correctly they get to add it to the box.  REVIEW and GAME all in one.  :-)

Our Who? What? When? Where? Where? Why? and How is this IMPORTANT to me? WALL is filled in....NOW, the goal is to MAKE sure the KIDDOS can answer each of those IMPORTANT QUESTIONS!!

My Lessons PLANS are written and ready.  This is the way I WRITE my LESSONS PLANS...I have done it this way for YEARS!!!  I find it to be VERY BENEFICIAL...Helps me know what I am doing and where we are headed. NO TIME TO WASTE in BIBLE CLASS!!!

I LOVE teaching about CREATION!!! So many VISUAL AIDS!!!    I made the CREATION CIRCLES and the CREATION NUMBERS  16 YEARS ago!! I LOVE that they still look BRIGHT and colorful!!  Thanks to LAMINATING them!!!  The one that shows the most "age" is DAY 2...a bit of the BLUE has begun to fade on one side....NOT to bad for being 16 years old.  LOL

On my TEACHING TABLE I have a set of CREATION GLOBES, a BOOK about Creation and a "POSTER."  I Made the poster with PRINTMASTER.    I purchased the Creation Nesting Globes about 8 years ago....I will try to find out if they are still available...I will let you know that DAY 4 had so many FLECKS of paint missing, that I took my SHARPIE marker to it...I think it looks pretty good.  :-)  BTW, they are sitting on MILK keep them from rolling all over the table.  Those MILK CAPS are so VERSATILE.  

I figure you already KNEW my choice for a MEMORY VERSE!  I LOVE Genesis 1:1!!!  Such an IMPORTANT  VERSE to building FAITH!!!  We sang this verse several times during class.  

To hear the tune I chose to use click on the will take you to the FB page for Hands On Bible Teacher.  

The KIDDOS have a few "NEW" SONGS for Today. They have sung this first one before...HOWEVER, I feel this is such an IMPORTANT Concept and IT GOES right along with the CREATION THEME.  I want the KIDDOS to understand we are NOT here by chance...we are here because, GOD HAD A PLAN!!!

If you would like to hear this song click on the will route you to the FB page for Hands On Bible Teacher.  

We will also have a FUN SONG to sing about CREATION.  My GROWN children still sing this song... It makes me laugh.  SO many memories!!  

This song teaches WHAT GOD made on WHAT DAY!  

If you would like to hear this song click on the following link.  It will route you to the FB page for Hands On Bible Teacher.  

Before I show you what the KIDDOS made for their TAKE HOME activity, I wanted to SHARE with you a FEW of the INTERACTIVE Teaching Tools I used...They are NOT EXPENSIVE and yet, very effective.  

I used a cookie pan from DOLLAR TREE...I made MAGNETS out of one of my FLIP CHARTS...I just attached the poster to sticky magnetic paper...and cut them out!!  Cheap and simple. BTW, the KIDDOS LOVED this!!! 

As we REVIEWED at the END of "Story Time."  I passed out the magnets...and then asked them, "What did GOD make on day...?"  The KIDDO with the magnet that answered the QUESTION would hold up the MAGNET and get to place it on the TRAY!  They had so much fun!!!  

The KIDDOS "TAKE HOME" activity is a CREATION CUBE!!!  

The KIDDOS colored the cube...then we assembled them to form the cube.  Then I had each KIDDO take a turn ROLLING their CUBE.  They would have to tell me WHAT day GOD made WHATEVER they landed on.  They did so WELL!!  This KIDDOS truly IMPRESS me!!!

Our official REVIEW GAME is a BEAN BAG TOSS game.  The KIDDOS toss the BEAN BAG...whatever SQUARE they land on they have to tell me WHICH DAY of CREATION it is... of course they had to answer a QUESTION about the LESSON to get to TOSS the BEAN BAG.  

This is another "REVIEW GAME" for this Lesson. This one will be used as an EARLY ARRIVERS Activity (EAA)   This will be played by the KIDDOS picking a "DIE" and rolling it....THEN answering QUESTIONS.    For Example:  If they roll the NUMBER DIE they will tell me WHAT GOD DID on that DAY.    If they roll the PICTURE DIE they will tell me WHAT DAY GOD made the PICTURED ITEMS.    

This REVIEW GAME is similar to the one above...each KIDDO will get a DIE. Roll the die and then tell me WHAT GOD MADE on the DAY they ROLLED. This one can be played during "CARPET TIME."

The NEXT few PICTURES are of the CLASSROOM.  We try to make it an EXCITING place to LEARN!!


 This is the VIEW from the door.  

A wider shot of the "CARPET TIME" area.  BTW, the little yellow easel has the Days of Creation in FELT.  That way the KIDDOS can, independently, practice putting the days in correct order.

A VIEW of our ATTENDANCE CHARTS, MEMORY VERSE "Bubble Gum Machines." Magnetic Board with the BOOKS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT Magnets on display. The THEMES of the BOOKS of THE BIBLE are on display on the wall...this is great for quick REVIEWS!

EVEN the hanging FLIP CHART, over on the storage cubby, has been changed to the chart showing the DAYS of CREATION!  :-)

Since we are starting a NEW QUARTER, it is time for NEW ATTENDANCE Charts!!  Decided to use those clocks I found at the DOLLAR TREE.  The KIDDOS will get to put a SMILY FACE sticker on each NUMBER...TRACKING each time they are in class.  

Next week the KIDDOS will do their EXPLORER JOURNAL Activity.  The KIDDOS have NEW EXPLORER JOURNALS to keep their Explorer Journal Activities in....I have found these to be WONDERFUL!!!  I have had parents tell me that they will "TREASURE" these.  I also, love hearing that KIDDOS go back and LOOK though their past EXPLORER JOURNALS!!!  That is their purpose!!  

So, that being said, this is the KIDDOS EXPLORER JOURNAL ACTIVITY for next Sunday.  They will color the pictures and then MATCH the picture to the CORRECT DAY.  To make this even more FUN and to get their HANDS busy, they will use chenille sticks (pipe cleaners) as their LINES....I have small holes next to the pictures and the DAY NUMBER....they will thread the chenille sticks through the correct holes.    I LOVE getting little hands BUSY...they seem to REMEMBER stories better when they "MAKE" something.  

Well, this has been a LOOOOONG post.....We have had a LOT going on...busy, busy, busy.  Hope you enjoyed seeing what we are doing in Bible Class this Quarter.  




  1. Hi, I love your review cube - don't suppose you have the sheet available that I could use with my group?

  2. Hello, I really like your God created sheet with the chenille sticks, do you by any chance have the template I could use?

  3. Thank you for share your work, it was very helpfull for my class. Saludos y bendiciones desde Venezuela

  4. Do you have a blog post explaining more about the explorer journal. I see you mention in your lessons but not in detail about how to set one up, what age the children have to be, ect.

  5. Love this! Thank you for all the wonderful ideas!

  6. Thank you so much for sharing your work, such wonder ideas

  7. This is a great work and thank you so much for sharing. Stay blessed

  8. Wow I'm so excited. Did you find out if they still make the creation nesting globes? I am doing the creation days for my class right now and you have inspired me even more. Thank you so much for sharing with us.
