Saturday, January 16, 2010

Teen Girls Class

This past Wednesday Evening I was blessed with the privilege of beginning to teach a new class for Teen Girls.

We are studying the book called "A Christian Girl's Scrapbook." --by Ronda Duvall

We will be learning attitudes, attributes, behavior, etc. that every Christian girl needs in their life.

We will have "Special Verses" to memorize.

I am excited about this class. It has been a long time since I have taught a young ladies Bible class.

This is one of the posters that will be hanging in the room for this study.
Discretion is such a needed attribute in a Christian girl's life.

I will try to blog a bit about this NEW class...Hope you like what you have seen.




  1. where can I purchase this book? I lead a girls ministry and this looks like a great resource.

  2. I would like to purchase this book. Would like to do class before school starts Aug.2014
