Thursday, June 9, 2011

Summer Time.

Hi there,

I wanted to let you know...that due to a very busy Summer ahead of me I will not be posting NEAR as much.  I am actually taking a break from teaching Bible Class for the Summer quarter.  I will be back in full swing come the Fall.  Please keep checking back...I will try to POST some ideas, plans, etc.    If not, see you in the FALL!!!!!




  1. Hi, I'm wondering if there is a way to purchase your printables. I love teaching Bible classes to my third and fourth graders at a Christian school. I am always looking for ways to make it a special time, and I've just found a treasure in your site. This is something that would be great for my students. But I am not sure how to find or purchase your printables. Are they available? Thanks. April

  2. Dear Mrs. Duvall,
    I am also interested in purchasing the printables; especially the people which you use in telling your stories. If possible, please explain how I can purchase your materials or at least some of them. Thank you.

  3. Ronda,
    Are you planning on posting again? Your classes have been SO helpful in teaching our church's children!

  4. have you moved on to Pinterest or Facebook? Looking for you! :)

  5. Same here! I've checked back almost weekly for months! Hope you're doing well and will let us know if you're posting in another location.

  6. Keep stuff is on its way soon. Been a CRAZY year. Thought things were going to improve when school started back. WRONG!!!!! Just went crazier. I had to pick and choose what I could get done....and sadly, I have let the blog lack for a while. Hopefully, things will settle to a slow cruse for a while and let me get some of the things I LOVE to do done. Such as posting to the Hands On Bible Teacher. We have some plans for the future so, please keep checking.
