Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Milk Cap for Memorizing the Books of The Bible

I LOVE to teach KIDDOS the BOOKS OF THE BIBLE.  I love to hear them SAY the Books of the Bible.  My favorite is to hear them attempt to say Deuteronomy!!!    

I have used several different METHODS of encouraging the KIDDOS to MEMORIZE the books of the BIBLE.  We have made a BOOKS of The BIBLE CHAIN!!!  We have made a BOOKS of The BIBLE PUZZLE!!!  We have done an INCH WORM on LEAVES method of encouraging the KIDDOS to memorize the BOOKS of The BIBLE,  etc.  

However, I have a "NEW" set of KIDDOS in my classroom.  You see, the  OLDER KIDDOS moved up into the NEXT class, this Past Summer.   I had some of the 4 Year Olds MOVE up  from the NURSERY CLASS.  Then we had a family move to the area....All this means I have a SLEW of "NEW" KIDDOS in my classroom.  :-)  

Having "NEW" KIDDOS means it is time to work on  MEMORIZING the BOOKS of THE BIBLE.  This is one  challenge that I like to help the KIDDOS succeed meeting.  I LOVE to hear their little voices as they say the BOOKS of THE BIBLE and I LOVE seeing their faces when they realize that they MASTERED saying all 66 Books!!!!! 


So, I began thinking about HOW to get the KIDDOS excited about memorizing all the BOOKS of THE BIBLE.  I wanted something DIFFERENT!!!  I wanted something EASY to make!  I wanted something FUN for the KIDDOS to use!!  I wanted something that was NOT Terribly Expensive!!  I wanted something that WOULD be EXCITING!!! 

Well, I already had a BUNCH of MILK (WATER, JUICE, ETC.) Caps.  You see, I just mentioned to the congregation that I would appreciate the donation of all these types of CAPS.  (If you let member know you are needing something they LOVE to DONATE to your cause.)  I use  MILK CAPS for several OTHER GAMES and ACTIVITIES.  So, I am ALWAYS collecting them!!!  

I decided to use a EMPTY WIPE CONTAINER!!  We have some of these SAVED up...but, I just let the member know I need more and the donations have been ROLLING in.    Each KIDDO will have their OWN CONTAINER to decorate!!!  I just PRINTED a "LABEL" using my PRINTMASTER PROGRAM.  The KIDDOS will color theirs and then we will glue them onto the container.  We have a few extra stickers for embellishments. 

I printed each Book of The Bible onto a 1 INCH circle Sticker.  Stuck them to to TOP of the CAPS and WALLAH they are READY!!  I did divided up the COLORS of CAPS to go along with the Division of the Bible---  5 Clear caps for LAW, 12 Green Caps for HISTORY,  5 Purple Caps for POETRY, 5 Dark Blue Caps for MAJOR PROPHETS,  12 Green Caps for MINOR PROPHETS, 4 Green Caps for GOSPELS, 1 Brown Cap for HISTORY, 21 Blue Caps for EPISTLES AND 1 Pink Cap for PROPHECY.  

 I used VARIOUS CLIP ARTS for the Books of The Bible Stickers.  I used clip art from the PRINTMASTER Program that I own.  I just picked out clip art that I thought represented the BOOK I put it with.

I use clip art from Phillip Martin at       
I used clip art from Cool Clip art at

 The KIDDOS will ADD a CAP for EACH BOOK of the BIBLE they Memorize.  I will have the KIDDOS memorize them in small groups of books.    WE will also be doing this during the EAA!  Early Arriver Activities.  Since, MOST of the KIDDOS are EARLY ARRIVERS this will be a WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY to use that time for going over the BOOKS of THE BIBLE and PUTTING the CAPS into the CONTAINERS. 

This is what it LOOKS like when ALL 66 Milk Caps are placed inside the cylinder.    I am PRAYING that the KIDDOS will LOVE to PLAY with this AFTER they get to Take it HOME.  My SON (he is 8 years old) said, he thought this was "COOL."  I asked him if he would find a way to PLAY with it...He said, "SURE, MOM!!"  Then he said he would STACK the CAPS UP INTO A TOWER as he said the BOOKS of the BIBLE.   I feel if it is APPROVED by Jeremiah it is a KEEPER! (BTW, Jeremiah is a really TOUGH critic. He is BRUTALLY honest!)

Memorizing the BOOKS of THE BIBLE can be tedious and difficult on young KIDDOS.  But, if you make it FUN and ENJOYABLE the KIDDOS REALLY GET INTO THE CHALLENGE!!  



Friday, January 18, 2013

So Sad: Israel Goes Into Assyrian Captivity

This weeks lesson brings us to the END of the Nation of Israel.  This is a HARD but NECESSARY lesson.  

The KIDDOS NEED to know that GOD KEEPS ALL of HIS PROMISES!  We have learned a LOT of lessons over the past several weeks.  We started with the DIVISION of KINGDOM and will end with Israel going into Assyrian Captivity.  (We have FOCUSED on the NORTHERN NATION of Israel during this study.  We will be learning about the SOUTHERN NATION of JUDAH soon.)

 If you FOLLOW me on FB, I mentioned that I had MOVED some things around...well, I MOVED out MAP and REVIEW BOARD over to the WHO? WHAT? WHEN? WHERE? WHY? and HOW? WALL.  This wall is DIRECTLY behind me--when I am actually sitting in the "TEACHER'S" Chair.  I refer to this WALL a WHOLE LOT---so, I decided it would make it SOOOOO much easier on ME to have the MAP and REVIEW BOARD on the SAME WALL.  

We have a NEW CARD to add to our "GOD'S AWESOME PLAN FOR MAN" wall.    It is a CARD that LIST ALL the Kings of Israel.


We have a NEW word for our WORD WALL!  The word CAPTIVITY.  I want the KIDDOS to understand the word CAPTIVITY. 

We will be adding an ARROW to our MAP.  The ARROW represent the Nation of Israel being carried off to ASSYRIA. 

The KIDDOS Memory Verse is Deuteronomy 5:7.  In the story I am telling I point out that Israel NEVER had a godly King and ALL their Kings worshiped IDOLS.  They left the LORD'S COMMANDMENTS.  I want to remind the KIDDOS that GOD gave them the COMMAND to NEVER have any other god!  (SHOWING GOD'S PLAN FOR MAN---UNFOLDING.)

We will be SINGING two THEME related songs for this lesson.  We have sung the KINGS OF ISRAEL song in the past. BUT, we have a NEW SONG for the KIDDOS with this lesson.    The KIDDOS will learn the song, "IT IS SO SAD TO SAY."  It is sung to the tune:  Farmer In The Dale.

Please FORGIVE the use of MY PICTURE. 
OK---COMING UP with a "TAKE HOME" project was a WEE BIT HUGE challenge!!  I was NOT really sure what I was going to do....BUT, I knew I wanted it to have something to do with KEEPING GOD'S COMMANDS!!!  (Israel failed and were carried away---WE DO NOT WANT TO FAIL!)    So, I was at the DOLLAR TREE and I saw these really cool picture frames.  My wheels began spinning....and THIS is what I ended UP deciding to do...

The KIDDOS will get a picture of themselves with the verse Psalm 119:127 printed as a border around their picture.  They will color the WORDS and VERSE REFERENCE---I am going to let the KIDDOS  use Color Pencils to make the coloring a bit easier and "more special."   In the smaller frame I have removed the glass and in its place added sparkly paper and cardboard....the KIDDOS will GLUE (using glue dots---makes it go so much faster) a LITTLE BIBLE with a FOAM HEART  STICKER onto the cardboard.  LITTLE BIBLES came from MARDEL.    I think the KIDDOS will LOVE this project!!!  They always LOVE getting a picture of themselves and the fact that the LITTLE BIBLE can be opened is REALLY FUN!  I have a plan for visitors---I have a few BLANK PICTURES...They just have the verse printed on it...VISITORS will DRAW a picture of themselves.  I  try to be prepared for up to 3 visitors.  :-)

Our REVIEW GAME is a TIC TAC TOE game.  We will have two teams:    CROWNS and CASTLES!  The KIDDOS will answer a question from the lesson...if they answer correctly they will place a CROWN or CASTLE down....THIS will be a TEAM effort! 

I printed, laminated and cut out the Crowns and Castles.  The "BOARD" is a set of FOAM FLOOR BLOCKS.  I have used these FOAM FLOOR BLOCK for SEVERAL different games!!! 

Next week we will REVIEW this lesson and the KIDDOS will do their EXPLORER JOURNAL Activity.  For this activity I decided to use a MAP.  The KIDDOS will add the ARROW first.  I have attached DOUBLE STICK FOAMY DOTS to the arrows.  So, they are sort of 3D!  Then the KIDDOS will get to attach an "ISRAELITE" that can be moved from ISRAEL to ASSYRIA. 

I will do my best to EXPLAIN how I accomplished this activity.  I started out be printing my map onto cardstock.  I then used a hole punch and punched two holes into the cardstock.  One near "Israel" and one up by "Assyria."  Then I used an exacto knife and cut out the arch shape.  That is where the KIDDOS will put their Israelite. 

NOW, about those little Israelites.  I bought these from Oriental Trading.

I do NOT receive any FUNDING, COMPENSATION or PERKS from Oriental Trading Company.  I am posting this link as a service to my readers. 

This is what I did to these FINGER PUPPETS.  I started off using my hole punch and punched a hole in the BACK of each of these...Then I punched a hole through a MILK CAP.  (I told you I SAVE everything---you NEVER know when you will NEED IT!!!)     I threaded a GOLD BRAD through the Milk Cap and into the BACK of each of the "Israelites."  I folded the Brad down inside the cavity of the Finger Puppet.  The MILK CAP serves as a WASHER that allows the PUPPET to be slid up and down on the MAP.    I am THRILLED with how these turned OUT!!!!! 

This is how the BACK of the Activity Looks.
I LOVE the way it looks from the FRONT!

Teaching the DIVIDED KINGDOM to 4-6 year olds is NOT without its challenges!!!  BUT, It has been so much FUN teaching them these AMAZING LESSONS!!!!  They have learned sooo much and always AMAZE me with their ability to apply and remember what they have learned.  
It is truly a BLESSING BEING a BIBLE CLASS TEACHER!  I am THANKFUL to GOD for allowing me the opportunity to teach  KIDDOS HIS WORD! 



Thursday, January 17, 2013


Just wanted to share some pics of one of my KIDDOS in the GREAT BIG FISH.    We took pictures of All of the KIDDOS in the GREAT BIG FISH!  We will be using the pictures in the future.  The KIDDOS LOVED getting in the FISH!!!!

I LOVE this one!!!!   PRAYING "JONAH." 

Friday, January 11, 2013

Five Minutes Till the Bell Rings!!!

Hi there!!  I know some are wondering WHAT to do with those LAST few MINUTES of CLASS TIME.  Just so you know,  I seem to RUN out of TIME every SUNDAY!!!  I would LOVE to have BIBLE CLASS run 15, 20, 30 more minutes. :-)  But, realistically speaking I would probably STILL run out of time!!!  I know ME!  

But, I want to show you something that I have on the wall, RIGHT next to the DOOR.  Because, I believe in using EVERY LAST SECOND for teaching, I refuse to give up the time when we are WAITING on MOM or DAD to come get the KIDDOS from the classroom.  (I do not think it is WISE to release KIDDOS without proper supervision---KIDDOS LOVE TO RUN in the CHURCH building---so, I tell all my KIDDOS parents that they need to RETRIEVE their KIDDOS from the classroom.)  If NOT, I think I might just KEEP them ALL!!!!!  :-)  

OK--enough of my procedures.  Here is what I really wanted to SHARE with you.  I have this STAR chart hanging right next to the door and right under the LIGHT SWITCH.  (NOT PLANNED--but, it WORKS with this THEME!!!) I titled this area, "BIBLE KNOWLEDGE SHINES BRIGHT!"   I coded the BIG POCKETS  with "LIVED During the OLD TESTAMENT."   "LIVED During the NEW TESTAMENT."    Then I placed a bunch of BIBLE PEOPLE Picture Cards (they came from the Dollar Tree) in the pockets.

While Waiting on the Parents, I will PULL a CHARACTER out of the Pockets and tell the KIDDOS something about the LIFE of that Character---BTW, the back of the cards do have information on the character on the front---but, I just TELL the KIDDOS things I can quickly recall.  I then ask them if that person lived in the OLD or NEW TESTAMENT TIME PERIOD.  The one that answers correctly gets to put it in the correct pocket!!!  We have CLEARED this chart SEVERAL TIMES through the past 5 YEARS!!!  But, the KIDDOS NEVER seem to get BOARD with this.  It is not "PLAYED" every SUNDAY...Due to the fact that I generally am NOT READY for the BELL to RING...but, every once in a while I will actually have a few moments waiting on the parents to get to the door and that is when I get to "PLAY" this with the KIDDOS.  I do like to do this activity---It is amazing to see how many BIBLE PEOPLE they can PLACE into the RIGHT TIME PERIOD!!!  

BTW, I just wanted to tell you I have a departure procedure for my classroom!!! I tell the KIDDOS---"YOU have to answer my question in order for me to open the door for your parent."  I then ask them a question  about the lesson....(within the earshot of MOM or DAD) and when they answer the question I open the door and let them out!!!  BTW, I am blessed to have a DUTCH door!!!  I open the "TRAP" door---(the KIDDOS named the top half of the door the "TRAP DOOR."---I don't know why?) so that the PARENTS get to see and hear their KIDDOS answering their EXIT QUESTIONS!!!   

Although I use this as a REVIEW at the End of Class Time, this could very easily be an EAA--Early Arrivers Activity too!   I encourage you to use EVERY LAST SECOND for a TEACHING OPPORTUNITY!!!!!  Bible Class is so important!!! 



Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Lap Book Activity from the 2nd-4th Grade Class

I love being able to highlight some of our other teacher's work and ideas.  We are blessed, at our congregation, to have very creative,  dedicated and talented teachers.  

I have previously highlighted the BEAUTIFUL LAPBOOKS that our 2nd-4th grade class have made.  This is their LATEST Lapbookk.  They have been leaning about the Divided Kingdom, The Captivity and the Return.    The LAPBOOK in not part of the curriculum that they is a SUPPLEMENTAL project that the teachers use to further the KIDDOS understanding and excitement about the lessons they are learning.  Just so you know we use the Discovering God's Way Curriculum, for this age group.  It can be purchased at  CEI BOOKSTORE

Please note, I do not receive any financial support from the above mentioned bookstore.  NOR do they pay to be advertised here on my website.  I am just including a link to their website in case you are interested in their materials. 

On a personal note, my youngest son in in this class and he  LOVES his  Lapbook.  Several times, through out the quarter, he has asked me to come in his classroom and SEE what they are adding to their LAPBOOKS! I love it that HE is so excited....but, HE IS NOT ALONE!!!  I have heard several of the other KIDDOS ask their parents to come in and see their LAPBOOK!!!  I love it when KIDDOS are excited about their Bible Class!!!  

These LAPBOOKS are made from FILE FOLDERS, COPYABLE pictures, CLIP ART  and Previously USED DGW lesson books.  As you all know, I am a KEEPER---NOT A HOARDER (please do NOT call that show to report me!!!)

I KEEP ALL previously USED BIBLE CLASS BOOKS!!!  So often we will have 2 or 3 books that are PARTIALLY used --visitors, people move, books got lost then found, etc.  Well, we KEEP them all!!!  Then we can go through and CUT out USEFUL PICTURES, MAPS, CHARTS, etc.  They are GREAT for LAPBOOKS!!!!  We have even had Parents offer back their KIDDOS OLDER USED BOOKS....that way the pictures can get USED for some other PURPOSE!!! 

We are also blessed to have several Copyable coloring books, puzzle books, activity books, clip art books, etc.  These have proven to be a wonderful resource for the teachers using LAPBOOKS as a teaching tool. 

The KIDDOS LOVE anything that MOVES, OPENS, LIFTS, HAS TEXTURE, or is 3D!!  The teachers try to add this to their LAPBOOKS.  

LAPBOOKS do not have to be expensive to make!  Matter-of-Fact they are a very inexpensive activity to do with the KIDDOS.  

Velcro DOTS, FOAM MOUNTING STICKERS, POM POM BALLS, and 3D OBJECTS make these LAPBOOKS come to LIFE!!!  Most of the items came from the Resource Room we have at the church building. 

These LAPBOOKS are really beautiful.  BUT, the REAL benefit to them--THE KIDDOS REALLY KNOW THEIR BIBLE HISTORY!!!    I am so impressed by the KIDDOS ability to WALK me through the HISTORY of the KINGDOM'S FALL, CAPTIVITY and RETURN!!! 

One of the KIDDOS favorite stories was the VALLEY of DRY BONES---  Well, just after Halloween, I was in Walmart and they had those GUMMY, STRETCHY Skeletons REALLY CHEAP!!! (They were marked 75% off!)   

Because I was aware that the KIDDOS in Sister Decker's Classroom were going to be learning this lesson I bought a BUNCH of these!!!!  They worked GREAT and the KIDDOS loved the GUMMY, STRETCHY Skeletons!!---  Ask other teachers if there is anything they are needing!  You just might have what they need or find what they need....WE NEED TO HELP EACH OTHER!!!  :-)

I would suggest you keep a supply of FAKE coins in your Resourses...I bought a BAG of colorful plastic COINS at a yardsale a LONG time ago!!!  We have used them for SEVERAL different Bible Stories, Crafts, Take Home Projects, etc.  and I still have a BUNCH left!!!


I LOVE how this HUGE LAPBOOK fold up into this NICE SIZE TREASURE!!!  This is a wonderful ENRICHING activity to do with KIDDOS!!!  You will be AMAZED at how much the KIDDOS LEARN and HOW EXCITED they GET about LEARNING while making a LAPBOOK!!!  

