Monday, July 30, 2012

Attempting Something New...Trying to Share A Few Of My Songs.

The Songs We Sang For Our FIRST Lesson in the Divided Kingdom!!

Someone asked me for the "TUNE" to the songs we sang this past Sunday.  I was not sure of a NAME to these tunes...So, I decided to SHARE the songs with you all this way.  

All of my songs are acapella.  I try to write a song for every lesson we learn in class.  Sometimes the tunes are original and other times I use familiar tunes (nursery rhyme style).  I LOVE to sing with the KIDDOS and they learn so much through SONGS.    NOW, you are welcomed to laugh at my singing...I will NOT have my feelings hurt.  :)  My KIDDOS think I can sing and that is all that matters to me!!!  :)

   by Ronda Duvall
Just Click the arrow to listen

   by Ronda Duvall
  Just Click the arrow to listen

I hope this is found to be useful.  I would really like feedback on the usefulness of being able to hear the songs I refer too....My darling husband is my TECH GUY....and without him NONE of this would have been possible.  



Friday, July 27, 2012

The Divided Kingdom

Sometimes it is HARD to get things rolling after coming off vacation.  This year was NO different.  Unpacking, cleaning, shopping, birthday parties, my youngest son needing staples in his, know just the normal day to day responsibilities that come with being a wife and mom.  :)  

However, I have been working on some changes in the classroom...we have had, some of my KIDDOS have moved UP to the BIGGER KIDDOS class.  :(  It is hard to let them go and yet, I LOVE to hear from their new teacher just HOW SMART THEY ARE!!!!  YAY!!!!!      

But, back to my classroom...We are beginning a new section of our Exploring Bible History curriculum....Please understand, I am undertaking this writing is NOT yet ready to be published...and it is a real labor of love.    

We are moving into the Exploration of the Divided Kingdom!!!  I am excited to teach this part of Bible History to these kiddos.    When I was talking to them last Sunday about our up and coming adventures....they seemed to be very excited.  

Our new bulletin board is a picture of a castle...DIVIDED and crowns on each side.  The crowns came from Dollar Tree!!!  I just wrote each KINGS name on the crown...and because I wanted to add some FUN to the wall, I just pushed up on the crowns and added a bottom staple...Makes the crown POP off the wall.    Please notice the SCEPTER at the top of JUDAH'S side.  I am going to be reminding them that the SCEPTER would NOT depart from JUDAH!!!  When GOD promises something HE ALWAYS keeps HIS PROMISES!!!   At the bottom of each side I added a command hook....Since we will be talking about the PROPHETS that carried GOD'S messages to the Kings and people...I wanted a place to put them.  This way when we learn about a Prophet...we will place him on the side to which he prophesied.  (The PROPHETS are just a PAPER DOLL cut out...with the name, message and who they prophesied too typed on it.)

 This will be a new song...The KIDDOS will sing it on SUNDAY as we begin LEARNING all about the Divided Kingdom.   I love having songs to go along with the topic....It really helps IMBED the LESSONS they are learning into their mind.  (One of my favorite things is this:  Stepping into the ladies room, after Bible Class and before Services and hearing one or more of the KIDDOS singing a song from BIBLE Class.  PRECIOUS!!!)

Because, my focus is always the WHO? WHAT? WHEN? WHERE? WHERE? WHY? AND HOW does this effect me? questions...These are the cards that will go in our DO YOU KNOW? card holder. 

The square picture of Rehoboam and Jeroboam will go on the "GOD'S AWESOME PLAN FOR MAN" timeline wall.  We refer to that wall a LOT when we go back and review the THEME of the BIBLE.  GOD'S PLAN is always moving forward towards the coming of JESUS...and OUR SALVATION today. 

The KIDDO'S Take Home project for this Sunday will be Rehoboam and Jeroboam KIDDOS have always enjoyed acting out the, this is what I came up with....I am hoping they will be able to tell me which KING was from the NORTH and which one is from the SOUTH.  Hopefully, by the time they go home from class we will have that all figured out for them.  Young ones ofter struggle with Bible Time names....and keeping them straight when their names are so similar may cause a bit of a confusion. 

Since we will be talking about Rehoboam NOT listening to WISE counsel...I thought this would make for an applicable MEMORY VERSE.  We will sing it to the tune "If your happy and you know it..."  I am certain they will have it memorized before leaving the classroom. 

Because we will be talking about the PROPHET Ahijah I have a PROPHET picture setting on the table...BUT, that is NOT ALL...I want them to understand what a PROPHET really was...HE WAS GOD'S MESSENGER!!!  So, we will also add the word PROPHET to our Word Wall.  We will also sing one of my songs...."A Prophet Is A Messenger."

We will have several PROPHET CARDS and Sing the Song several times during these lessons.......the KIDDOS will surely know what a PROPHET of GOD is by the time we are through with the Lessons on the Divided Kingdom.  :)

Our Review Game for this week is "Ahijah's Robe."  The Kiddos will answer a question from the lesson...then they will be allowed to "rip" a piece of the coat from the puzzle....and then place it in the NORTHERN Pile or the SOUTHERN Pile.  The Robe Puzzle has already be cut apart...that way they can easily "RIP" or pick up a piece.  We played something similar to this back when we were studying Moses.  I let the KIDDOS pull off pieces to the GOLDEN CALF...and the LOVED RIPPING down the altar...So, I am hoping they will LOVE RIPPING up Ahijah's Coat.  :)

Next Sunday we will REVIEW the LESSON from this week...and do our Explorer Journal Activity.    I struggled to come up with the Take Home and Explorer Journal Activity for this lesson...But, I know the KIDDOS will enjoy this one for sure.  It involves getting to use GLITTER and SEQUINS!!! 

The KIDDOS will color the Rehoboam and Jeroboam and add a SPLIT CROWN that will open to reveal the First Two Kings of the Divided Nation....They will get to glam up the crown with the GOLD GLITTER and their choice of sequins.  I think they turned out cute and help reinforce the fact that the KINGDOM WAS DIVIDED!!!  

Hope you join us as we EXPLORE the Divided Kingdom.   My Kiddos LOVE being Bible Explorers!!!!  

